Green tea tops 2014 NutraIngredients coverage, according to the editors of NutraIngredients, who heralded a story on the benefits of green tea as the #1 science story for the year. Other top ten stories in NutraIngredients covered mitochondria, curcumin, fish oil and the brain, and protein enrichment.
The surging interest in products that deliver the benefits of green tea is based on the growing body of scientific evidence that consumption of green tea polyphenols may help lower cholesterol, maintain healthy blood pressure, promote weight loss and weight control, promote healthy skin tone, and refresh body and mind.
Grand View Research estimates that the global market for green tea polyphenols is growing at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.9 percent between 2014 and 2020. Green tea contains between 30 and 40 percent water-extractable polyphenols, which can be consumed in concentrated form in products like Sunphenon.
“Green tea’s heart health benefits,” the article cited as the top science story for 2014, reports on a meta-analysis of 20 randomized clinical trials that found an association between consumption of green tea and lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
The study, by scientists at Oxford University in the United Kingdom and the University of Washington in Seattle, was published in Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases and reported on in the Sunphenon blog. The researchers reported that consumption of 5-6 cups per day of green tea was associated with lower systolic blood pressure, though no benefits for diastolic blood pressure was reported.
The study also found an association between 5-6 cups of daily green tea consumption and lower cholesterol levels, including lower levels of LDL cholesterol, sometimes referred to as “bad” cholesterol.
The authors of the study cautioned that green tea consumption should not be considered a substitute for standard medical therapies for high blood pressure or high cholesterol. The conclusion from the abstract for the published study states:
Green tea intake results in significant reductions in systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol. The effect size on systolic blood pressure is small, but the effects on total and LDL cholesterol appear moderate. Longer-term independent clinical trials evaluating the effects of green tea are warranted.