Green tea chocolate

Green tea chocolate

Green tea chocolate! Different, delicious and healthy – combining all the health virtues of chocolate and green tea. The Just One Cookbook offers a step-by-step video on how to make green tea chocolate. In addition to chocolate, matcha – a green tea leaf powder, is used.

As an article in The San Francisco Chronicle points out, chocolate and green tea are rich in polyphenols and flavonoids that are good for you. Chocolate and green tea contain antioxidants, including epigallocatechin gallate (ECGC), resveratrol, procyandin and theaflavin; that help minimize cell damage from free radicals.

Eating chocolate may lower your risk for stroke and heart disease, and consuming green tea helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol, according to research cited in the Chronicle. Cognitive function is also aided by consumption of chocolate and green tea, according to research mentioned in the Chronicle.

How about the taste of green tea chocolate? Combined, the deep flavors of green tea and the rich sweetness or chocolate make a unique, irresistible treat. And if the taste and health benefits of green tea appeal to you, check out the Just One Cookbook for other great recipes using green tea, including green tea soufflé and Ujikintoki – green tea shaved ice.